Upcoming Events

Events & Activities  




This is a fun opportunity for parents to gather for a night out. Trivia Night has been held at the Moose Lodge in Batavia the last few years. The night includes a meal, cash bar, raffles, games, and a fierce trivia competition with all proceeds going towards PTO initiatives.  
Please contact trivianight@gmspto.org for more information.





An annual skating event at Funway Entertainment Center is scheduled in the spring after the completion of the roller skating unit during PE. Event fliers are distributed to students prior to the skating event. Please contact skate@gmspto.org for more information.  





Art appreciation volunteers go into the classroom once per trimester. The lesson plans are already prepared, project ideas are provided and each lesson takes approximately 30 minutes of in-class time scheduled with the teacher.  No prior art experience is necessary. 
The purpose is to acquaint students with some of the best and most familiar works of famous artists so they may recognize the artwork and style of artist, learn about the wonderful world of art, and enjoy and appreciate the artist and his or her work. 
Please contact 
art@gmspto.org for more information. 




Each year, the PTO sponsors assemblies in which vendors are selected to provide an experience which enriches the education of the students and provide enjoyment for the students.




A sale of new books, from Anderson Bookstore, is held every fall and spring in the LRC. This is a great way to promote reading at home by all students and support the school. The school receives a profit based on a percentage of sales.  Please contact bookfair@gmspto.org for more information.




Our largest annual fundraising event featuring games, food concessions, raffles including classroom basket raffles.  Provides an entertaining evening for students and their families.  Many volunteers are needed to help with food, decorations, donations, games, raffles and more.  Please contact funfair@gmspto.org for more information.




This event which is held in the spring is in appreciation for the support which the PTO receives from many volunteers throughout the school year.  The activities which the PTO sponsors could not take place without the crucial volunteer support of the GMS community.  This event coincides with the school’s art fair and spring book fair.  Please contact icecreamsocial@gmspto.org for more information.




This is a school event that brings students and their families back to school in the evening to watch a family movie. Students are invited to wear pajamas and bring sleeping bags and pillows. The movie is free and concession selections are sold.

Please contact movienight@gmspto.org for more information.




An opportunity to move outdoors to learn, explore, play and create. This all-school event takes place during a regular school day in May and needs a team of volunteers, including teachers, to plan, organize and implement the day. Students move through rotations that include science, art, physical education, and more throughout the entire day.
Please contact 
outdoored@gmspto.org for more information.




This event is held on the first Saturday after the start of school.  This event is free for families and provides another opportunity for new and returning families to meet others and reconnect.  Please contact pancakebreakfast@gmspto.org for more information.




Students enjoy participating in a daily themed week several times a year.  Popular themes have included PJ Day, Mismatch Day, Hat Day, Team Day, Career Day, Decades Day and School Spirit Day. Canned goods are also collected for the Batavia Food Pantry. 
Please contact 
spirit@gmspto.org for more information.




Our wonderful teachers and staff deserve to be recognized and appreciated throughout the year for all they do for our students. Small tokens of appreciation are shown through staff lunches, special treats in the lounge and mailboxes, and many other ways all year long.

During the first full week of May, the PTO with the assistance of many volunteers, recognizes the efforts of our amazing Grace McWayne teachers and staff.  The week has a theme and each day there are different activities for teachers to enjoy such as breakfast, luncheons and snacks, and students bring in flowers and letters of appreciation. Please contact 
teacherappreciation@gmspto.org for more information.




The Walk-a-Thon is GMS’s largest fundraiser that occurs every other year. It is an all day event where each grade has a designated time to walk/run a specific number of laps/miles. The course is lined with volunteers to direct students, staff and community.  Parents and grandparents are allowed to walk the course with their child. Volunteers are needed to help with the event that will take place in the early fall. In addition, corporate sponsors who donate will have their logo on a t-shirt each student is given to wear during the walk and on the school banner as well. Please contact walkathon@gmspto.org for more information.




Watch D.O.G.S. are “Dads of Great Students.” Twice each month dads are specially invited in to volunteer in the classrooms, in the lunchroom, out at recess and at some of our Grace McWayne special events.  Please contact watchdogs@gmspto.org for more information.




A bi-annual event held as a fundraiser for the PTO. In recent years, this event has been a golf outing. Contact watchdogs@gmspto.org for more information.




A welcome celebration is typically held the Monday before school begins and is planned and coordinated with the school staff. Date is subject to change, but will be well communicated by the Principal. Students can come meet their teachers, see their classroom, parents can sign up to volunteer with different events throughout the year, pick up a free gift from the PTO, and grab a treat from the ice cream truck! Please email welcome@gmspto.org for any questions.




Winter Wonderland is fun opportunity for children to secretly shop for their family and friends for the holidays.  Children will shop with a 5th grade elf assigned to them.  Gifts range anywhere from $1-$10 and are offered in the following categories: young kids, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, pets, and stocking stuffers.  Parent volunteers work to “supply” the shop by buying, assembling and making gifts ahead of time (throughout the year). Parent volunteers are also needed the day of to help with wrapping the gifts.  Winter Wonderland is usually held the first Saturday of December.  While children shop, adults can also shop in the gym where crafters and vendors are set up, as well as a bake sale.  If you are interested in volunteering with Winter Wonderland, participating as a crafter or wrapper, we are always looking for volunteers.  Please contact winterwonderland@gmspto.org for more information.






 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?  





PTO General Meeting

PTO Board meets monthly on the First Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Grace McWayne School office (unless otherwise noted).