Upcoming Events


In addition to the other events and activities sponsored by the PTO, there are several more committees who enhance the educational and social experiences of our students.


Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Boards at the entrance to the school welcome visitors and are themed including “What’s New” highlighting the year’s activities and the school’s special events, such as Spirit Week.  Other bulletin boards are updated monthly to recognize student birthdays. Please contact bulletinboards@gmspto.org for more information.


Business Relations

This committee helps foster relationships with local businesses. They assist in the coordination of business donations for the raffle baskets at Fun Fair and the Adults Night Out, as well as coordination corporate sponsorships. Email businessrelations@gmspto.org with questions or if you would like to become a corporate sponsor.


Community Chair

The role of this chair is to bring the families and parents/guardians of students together for social gatherings with the sole purpose of fostering a space for connection, relationships and community to be built.


Grizzly Gear

The PTO sponsors a spirit wear order at the beginning of every school year to allow families to purchase Grace McWayne Grizzlies shirts, sweatshirts and other items.  Please contact gear@gmspto.org for more information.


 Hospitality Committee

This Committee is instrumental in planning different luncheons for volunteers throughout the year (Walk-a-thon & Outdoor Ed) to show how much we care about staff and volunteers as well as organizing the Bake Sale at Winter Wonderland.  Please contact hospitality@gmspto.org for more information. 



 Each week, a newsletter is sent out in conjunction with a message from the principal to share important information with the families of Grace McWayne. The Newsletter chair compiles information from committee chairs and the PTO Board to send out each Friday. Any items to be included should be emailed to newletter@gmspto.org by Thursdays* at 4 pm.
*or the 2nd to last day of the school week


Social Media

 The PTO utilizes our Facebook group Grace McWayne PTO News & Events to share important information about upcoming events with the school community. If you have something to share with the community at large, submit a post for approval. If you have any questions, email socialmedia@gmspto.org.



The yearbook is a compilation of all the student and staff portraits taken in the fall and highlights many of the special activities throughout the school year.  Montage pages are created using candid photos, room parent celebration photos, and informal playground/class pictures.  Photographers are needed throughout the year.  Volunteers are needed to help with layout.  Please contact yearbook@gmspto.org for more information. Photos will be requested by event to be uploaded to a shared folder. 





 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?  





PTO General Meeting

PTO Board meets monthly on the First Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Grace McWayne School office (unless otherwise noted).